diary of bruce johnston diary of bruce johnston

What's New

We are pleased to relaunch our father's website, which includes new functionality and search features, as well as new photos, and updated notes on the events and people mentioned.

We encourage you to use the search feature to look for anything specific, or to scroll through the site to get a feel for life in Bomber Command in 1944 through dad's eyes.

If you have any questions, comments, or further information about any of the people or events that are mentioned in this website, we would appreciate hearing from you through the Guestbook.




This website chronicles the training and tour of operation of Lancaster bomber pilot Bruce Johnston, through the diary he kept during his time with the RCAF in 1944.

His diary listings are transcribed here word for word, and provide a fascinating, and unedited view of life for a young Canadian pilot in both Bomber Command, and Britain during World War II.

Notes accompany each diary page, to help explain the technical terms, 1940’s colloquialisms, and to help keep track of the large number of people coming and going through the narrative.

Much of this additional information is summarized in the Terms, Colleagues, and other menu buttons on the left of the screen.

We hope you enjoy reading his story, and encourage you to sign our guest book, and provide any comments you have on this site.

Bruce Johnston (standing at centre) and crew



© Bruce Johnston, Mark Johnston, Scott Johnston

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